Culebra-Blacktail Crest


Culebra-Blacktail Crest

Culebra Rd & Blacktail Crest, San Antonio, TX 78253

The NW San Antonio region is experiencing rapid growth, with more than 116,000 residents within a three-mile radius.

In close proximity to John M. Harlan High School, which boasts an enrollment of 3,600 students, it is a destination that can be easily reached on foot.

Located at the signaled intersection which offers excellent visibility and exposure.

CONTACT:Zach Parra & Jon Galindo | | (210) 816-2734


Traffic Counts Culebra Rd - 24,880 VPD
Population Density 116,642 / 3 Miles
Household Income $134,840 / 3 Miles

Available Spaces

Suite # Square Feet
Pad Site A 1.006 ac (43,811 sf)
Pad Site B 1.053 ac (45,885 sf)
Pad Site C 1.000 ac (43,550 sf)
Retail/Office Bldg 1 24.570 sf (2 stories)
Retail/Office Bldg 2 24,570 sf (2 stories)