Site Selection
Finding the right location can be challenging and the best spaces lease up often before they ever hit the market. Partnering with Foresite can assist tenants in getting ahead of the market by putting them in touch with local landlords looking to make changes to their tenant mix. We work with tenants to introduce their concept and operations to landlords so our clients can be considered for the submarkets’ most desired properties before a space even becomes available.

The Foresite team works with the in house property management and leasing departments to better value the properties they bring to the market and ensure that the sales price is maximized. Foresite Investment Sales takes pride in being known for their proactive and high energy approach to marketing paired with the experience that comes from their focus on investment sales. The team has closed in excess of half a billion dollars across fifteen states.
Sale Leaseback
Sale leasebacks allow the owner to achieve full value of the building rather than the typical 50-70% gained through a cash-out refinance.
In the sale leaseback transaction, the seller will receive 100-300% more than what it costs to construct the building due to the additional value of the long term lease, and the security of the credit of the tenant.
Contact the Foresite team to determine whether this is the right strategy for you.

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